Zen Master Allie Kat Flash

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


By Jove! Web 2.0 awards rock!

I was disappointed that some of the neat stuff required subscriptions. I have this crazy notion that all Web 2.0 stuff should be free.
These sites would be amazing ... but they cost money!! Boo!
Mango Languages

Super interesting and Free ---- > the food section of the Web 2.0 awards!
Great for the food obsessed and food snobs.
I never knew these sites existed!

I especially loved the sites ImCooked and iFoods - instead of printing out boring recipes - you can watch videos!

This video of Christopher Walken cooking chicken is quite amusing!

Drumroll please .... my favorite Web 2.0 award winner is: LAST.FM
Type in an artist or band and you can stream music, download songs, view videos, read bios, tour dates, listen to similar artist, stalk, and comment ALL ON ONE PAGE -- this will definitely be a major time-sucker for me.

The man I adore: Andrew Bird

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