The Subversive Library!
Once upon a time (aka June, 2012) Kelly Jensen and I presented on passive
programming at ALA Annual in Anaheim. It was a delightfully nerve-wracking
Web 2.0 Revisited: Ebooks & Audiobooks
The next big thing occuring AS WE SPEAK is the development of PBCLS's
audiobook collection via Overdrive. You can check out the collection here.
Please allow me to re-introduce myself...
My name is Stacy Alesi and I'm a biblioholic.
I'm re-introducing myself because I'm also known as the BookBitch. I had to
create a blog for some Web 2.0 t...
Visualizing my life
This is an image of the bookmarks that I've saved which I created using
Wordle. While I do not consider myself to be a visual person I found it
rather enl...
Last Wish
My last request is if I die before my cat, i want some of my ashes put into
his food so i can live inside him.
(the quote is from a movie star...but I like...
I Am A Lifelong Learner
My favorite of the 23 things was Blogger and Widgets. I had used Live
Journal, which is a pain, and once I had discovered how to add widgets, I
couldn't st...
Finally....the journey is over!!!!
The 23 things project showed me different aspects that internet can offer.
I can never fathom that you can find so much stuff on the internet. The
Dear Miss Allie,
Hi, I LOVE the Ode to Twilight!
It rocks! -- Karen :)
Twilight does rock, but Kristen Stewart does not. Why did they cast her? And do we like the HP dude for Edward?
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