Zen Master Allie Kat Flash

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A connection is made

How can blogging be used in libraries .... CONNECTING!!

... if libraries are an institution that connects people with information .... then they should also have the same presence online.

Blogs allow for the sharing of information, they allow patrons and staff to collaborate - share ideas, meet new people, chat about the Twilight books.

I'd love to have a blog to post reader's advisory lists, ask teens for ideas, post new book reviews, cool websites, trailers for movies based on books ... etc.

We have enough presence in the community that if we had an online presence also, through blogging, I think it would totally change the community's perspective on the library. Especially for the young people. By not having a blog or myspace that represents the library we are telling this young demographic that we just don't care about them . ... That we are totally ignoring they're need to connect online. So Sad! .... because they are a rockin', vibrant group!


libfan73 said...

Allie, we've come a long way from Live Journal. I thought this was much easier. Agree?

Kimberly Bower (gladeslibrarian) said...

Allie, your video is 'no longer available'. Thought you'd want to know. :)