
Zen Master Allie Kat Flash

Friday, August 1, 2008

Your own ... personal .... Twilight shrine!

We are all squealing with anticipation over the release of Stephenie Meyer's new book BREAKING DAWN!!

In honor of the 4th book in the Twilight series making its debut on August 2 - we held a party at the library aptly named Bella's Bridal Bash.

We gushed over the romantic details, munched on cookies and treats, took sides in the Edward vs. Jacob debate, Twilightized the alphabet, answered tough trivia only a die-hard fan would know, decorated key chains, tote bags, and created personalized Twilight pocket shrines dedicated to our favorite character/ obsession.

Check out our pics!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


* wikis rock ... especially the pbwiki project
* Web 2.0 awards were interesting
* Exploring the websites
* Actually sticking to writing in a blog
* Gave us all something to talk about

* Youth Services people are way to busy to do something like this during the summer
* Should have more in-house, on-on-one, help classes
* We never explored Social Networking! This is such an important facet & foundation of Web 2.0 applications and I'm disappointed that it was ignored. Whether we approve of sites like MySpace, Facebook, & Twitter or not .... we should still be knowledgeable about them.

2 4 1 -- podcastdigitalaudiobooks


I mostly subscribe to podcasts from ITunes because it's super easy to have all my music and podcasts in one place.

But podcastalley was something else.
Trust me ... they have a podcasts on everything ... one called Dirty Kumquat Radio, cooking shows, 83 podcasts on yoga, Twilight podcasts (hooray), and even podcast of the X-rated variety!

This site is useful because you can download podcasts anywhere ... no need for a computer with ITunes.

NPR podcasts are spiffy! I always listen to Wait Wait Don't Tell Me while cooking ... and I do love Ira Glass ... it's the glasses.


I gave up on our library audiobooks a while ago because they weren't compatible with my IPod.
But .... I did not know you could burn a downloaded audiobook to CD!! That's cool.

The library needs to have a class on audiobooks or really push the fact that we have them. I think many patrons have no clue!

Friday, July 11, 2008

YouTube Blast From the Past

On a whim I typed in"winterguard" in a youtube search.
I performed for years in winterguard and crossed my fingers that somebody had posted a video of one of my performances.

Who knew, that our secret ops lighted run at World Championships 2002 was up!!
We were a scandalous group. I was a sabre dancer.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


By Jove! Web 2.0 awards rock!

I was disappointed that some of the neat stuff required subscriptions. I have this crazy notion that all Web 2.0 stuff should be free.
These sites would be amazing ... but they cost money!! Boo!
Mango Languages

Super interesting and Free ---- > the food section of the Web 2.0 awards!
Great for the food obsessed and food snobs.
I never knew these sites existed!

I especially loved the sites ImCooked and iFoods - instead of printing out boring recipes - you can watch videos!

This video of Christopher Walken cooking chicken is quite amusing!

Drumroll please .... my favorite Web 2.0 award winner is: LAST.FM
Type in an artist or band and you can stream music, download songs, view videos, read bios, tour dates, listen to similar artist, stalk, and comment ALL ON ONE PAGE -- this will definitely be a major time-sucker for me.

The man I adore: Andrew Bird

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

oh zoho

Zoho is useful ... indeed.

However is looks like a rip-off of Google Docs.

Why I love Google Docs:

It's simple and clean.

I have all my google-mania in one place - Docs, gmail, picasa.

Why I can't deal with Zoho:

I had to sign-up for another site.

Quoted from Amber: It's trying to be too much at once!!

However, being able to publish a document from Zoho to your blog is nifty. And I imagine it will get snazzier with time, but for now I am overwhelmed with signing up for so many sites and not having time to explore them.

So Adieu ..... I'll pass on Zoho and stick with what works for me.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

sandbox yo!

Cilla and I had a blast playing the sandbox!

We learned how to post pictures of our favorite wines (and cheese) on our pbwiki!

This was the best "thing" yet!
