Zen Master Allie Kat Flash

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tales from the Stacks

Observed yesterday:

We have a grandfather who comes into the YS department everyday with his 6-yr-old granddaughter. He wheels her in on a pink stroller. He lets her run wilds while he takes over a table and sets up the following items around him:
Newspapers in Spanish
Magazines (usually about guns or ammo, etc.)
A kitchen timer
A digital clock
One wooden ruler
A watch display with 2-3 cheap watches on it.
And here's the kicker ..... An pill box covered in construction paper with the word BLADES written large in sharpie marker on the front.

He comes a few times a week and the BLADES usually come out also.
Scary and intriguing .... are BLADES actually in there?

UPDATE from Keisha - 6/28:
Grandfather Razorblade actually sits at his little table and make calendars all day .... he even draws out the little boxes and all .... but what does he use the blades for?
Why? How many calendars do you need?

Story told by circulation:

A man wanted a library card and had no identification.
He told them check his name in the Police Blotter for identification.
Ummmm ..... I don't think so!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

wow, you sure do have some exciting people at your branch.

We should hang out more. I miss you.
