Zen Master Allie Kat Flash

Saturday, June 28, 2008

sandbox yo!

Cilla and I had a blast playing the sandbox!

We learned how to post pictures of our favorite wines (and cheese) on our pbwiki!


This was the best "thing" yet!



Fascinating .....

wiki is from the Hawaiian word wiki wiki which means fast!

Wikis are a great source for collaboration ..... I'm realizing that I should have created one for my Battle of the Books team to share questions and info about the books we're reading. But getting something like that approved would involve too much hoop jumping.

Wikis are also scary .... students readily cite from wikipedia like it's the encylopedia. I even had students in my MLIS classes that cited from wikipedia. WHAT!?!!
At least it should inspire discussion about valid sources.

Such as the entry from Wikipedia below .... Does a backronym actually exist?!

"Wiki Wiki" (/wiːkiː wiːkiː/) is a reduplication of "wiki", a Hawaiian word for "fast". It has been suggested that "wiki" means "What I Know Is". However, this is a backronym.

backronym (or bacronym) is a phrase that is constructed "after the fact" from a previously existing word or abbreviation, the abbreviation being an initialism or an acronym. Backronyms may be invented with humorous intent, or may be a type of false or folk etymology. The word is a portmanteau term combining back-formation and acronym, coined in 1983[1] and documented from 1994:

The arrival of coeducation at St. Paul's in 1971 inspired the verb to scope (a foreclipping and conversion of "telescope") and the derived noun scoper, "one who appreciatively ogles the opposite sex." From this process has arisen an unofficial organization named SCOPERS, a reverse acronym, or bacronym, for "Students Concentrating On the Palatable Extremities of the Reciprocal Sex.
-Richard Lederer, Adventures of a Verbivore, 1994

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tales from the Stacks

Observed yesterday:

We have a grandfather who comes into the YS department everyday with his 6-yr-old granddaughter. He wheels her in on a pink stroller. He lets her run wilds while he takes over a table and sets up the following items around him:
Newspapers in Spanish
Magazines (usually about guns or ammo, etc.)
A kitchen timer
A digital clock
One wooden ruler
A watch display with 2-3 cheap watches on it.
And here's the kicker ..... An pill box covered in construction paper with the word BLADES written large in sharpie marker on the front.

He comes a few times a week and the BLADES usually come out also.
Scary and intriguing .... are BLADES actually in there?

UPDATE from Keisha - 6/28:
Grandfather Razorblade actually sits at his little table and make calendars all day .... he even draws out the little boxes and all .... but what does he use the blades for?
Why? How many calendars do you need?

Story told by circulation:

A man wanted a library card and had no identification.
He told them check his name in the Police Blotter for identification.
Ummmm ..... I don't think so!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I can be like paparazzi on technorati ....

and stalk my musician obsession - Andrew Bird ----->

through blogs, photos, and videos ....

More glamorous than searching on Google.

Especially because you get the real news - blogger news!

Blogger Central is spiffy also.


del.icio.us is so yummy for library people .... we get to apply our own subject headings to our favorite sites .... hooray!
Folksonomies and tagging actually lets the public be their own lovely librarians ... how nifty!

Now ... if only that would aid in better understanding of the OPAC ... or maybe the OPAC should be more organized like flickr and del.icio.us. That would be riotous.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Pimp - Your - Pet

Duncan Dog is such a sport .... in his trail riding outfit

my pimped pic!

Poem for Web 2.0

WEB 2.0 is FUN and AMUSING!
Because for the self-centered ... it's all about personalization, showing off, all about you, you, you!
And some sharing involved also.
I love it. So indulgent.

.... and here is the poetry dedicated to it ...

You need someone who gets it.
This will change everything. We shall transcend borders. A
n AJAX-driven GUI. MSM just doesn't get it.
Hack it. Faster. Faster! Tag me. Float this.
Social is the new push.
We're about what Web 2.0 is about.
Always be launching. Label what defies categorization.
Clear that.
The words aren't what they were.
Clustering. Single. Word. Sentences!
This is newer media. Folksonomy.
News clouds. Podcasts. On-demand streams.
It's all changing. Splog is an aggregate noun.
Cry out, blogosphere!
It's all about community. 2.0 is the new New.
Roll your own roll-your-own. The new is old.
We are on the brink of a new age. "ASL" is geezer speak.
The buzz is loud and clear.

Web 2.0 Poem courtesy of http://what.was.the.question.whyblog.org/buzz/

I've also created my own Web 2.0 Company:
Generated Image
Your company name:
Your company product:
social invites via instant messaging

Courtesy of: http://andrewwooldridge.com/myapps/webtwopointoh.html